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City Council Meeting March 16th, 2021

Hal DeSaussure presided over the meeting as Bill Wooldredge typically takes vacation this time of year. We were told he will miss next week’s workshop as well.

Board Openings The AHBR has an opening.

Council is accepting applications through April 9th if you are interested. You can use the below link to apply.

Public Comments

We had two letters. One concerning the need for auto charging stations downtown. City Council approved charging stations downtown last year and received a $15,000 grant, which I believe needed to be matched. It was sufficient for one pole that would charge 2 cars (left and right sides of the pole). Staff is trying to determine the appropriate location and will come back to council in the coming month to move this forward.

The other letter was from Todd Zedak regarding the methodology for the research project council is weighing in on. Some members of council would like the survey to take a broader approach to unmet needs and core values in Hudson asking residents what they value and what they would like to see in our community, along with various ideas of downtown development. Others simply want to ask “what do you want built on this land”. As in – how big, how dense would you accept? I think a broader approach with a longer format survey is needed. With a longer format you can start with unmet needs within the community and funnel that into what might work in the Phase 2 area. Much of this debate seems to be over following the comprehensive plan, or not. Well, if council always followed the comprehensive plan we would have office buildings where the Veterans Way splashpad and skate park now stands, we would have a train station near the drycleaners and yogurt shop, and all of the land north of Owen Brown, East of Morse Road would be recreational use area. Things change.

Council Comments

Hal DeSaussure updated council on the Park Board meeting and unanimous decision to build out and quote the Tennis and Pickle Ball Court project at Barlow Farm. The project scope will include not only the courts but the pavilion, parking, and restroom facilities. The initial scope and cost estimates were about $1 million but when adding in the other items in this request it will likely end up a bit shy of the $2 million mark. Just based on engineering estimates provided by staff on most of it, we were looking at $1.3million (with contingency) without restrooms or parking.

I mentioned two items. The first was that Spectrum had issued a press release saying the base bandwidth for their internet lines in NE Ohio was change from 100 Megabits to 200 on March 3rd. I contacted Spectrum and verified that Hudson was included in this region. If you have been paying for 100 – you service should be 200 automatically. Reset your cable modem router power so it synchs with the spectrum system at 200 Megabits. If you run an internet speed test, do so from a hard wired computer. Most wifi systems available today run at about 100 Megabits max anyway so your speed test will not likely show anything over 100 if you are running it from a wifi laptop.

Secondly – and really the most important item I mentioned, Hudson Public Power has a substantial investment in Prairie State, a coal powered power production plant. (

A recent article prompted several questions

The 5 year projections for HPP show declining profitability, and in fact show losses before capital investments in 2023 forward. Which means “rate adjustments” need to be made (ie- price increases). With the new administrations goal to shut down coal production by 2030 and the above article, the questions that needed to be asked were – Has AMP (the administrator of Prairie State) assessed the risk of proposed regulatory actions by the new administration on Prairie State? Has HPP modeled the impact the closure of Prairie State through regulatory action would have on Hudson Taxpayers? Hudson has millions invested in this cooperative. Also, is the city attempting to prepare for the potential closure of Prairie State in any way? What’s the fallback plan?

Jane Howington said she intended on reviewing the issues I brought up at the same time the staff is able to provide results from potential rate adjustment consultants – likely during the summer.

Nicole Kowalski updated us on school plans for the 1927 school property as liaison to the Arch board. The Arch Board approved demolition of 1970 and 1950 additions to old middle school. The original 1927 building to remain at this time She additionally mentioned that she will introduce legislation to restrict fees delivery services can charge restaurants.

Managers Report Our April 6th council meeting is planned to be in person in Town Hall. Board and commission meetings will slowly convert to in person meetings by June.

Consent Agenda

21-26 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE NATURAL AREAS LAND CONSERVANCY’S CLEAN OHIO GREEN SPACE CONSERVATION PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR THE O’BRIEN PRESERVE PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: The purpose of this request is to support the Western Reserve Land Conservancy’s subsidiary, The Natural Areas Land Conservancy, for financial assistance under the Clean Ohio Green Space Conservation Program to acquire and protect (with a conservation easement held by Western Reserve Land Conservancy) an approximate 55-acre parcel within the City of Hudson.

This item was pulled for discussion only, and passed 6-0 with emergency measures. The Western Reserve Land Conservancy came to terms with the owner of the 55+ acre lot and will be able to utilize a state grant to purchase this land. Hudson will then have the option of carving out some of it and paying for it separately from that grant for possible Rails to Trails use, or additional cemetery use as it is adjacent to O’Brien’s cemetery.

21-27 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS AND ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE BARLOW COMMUNITY CENTER DAM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. Brief Description: The project includes improvements to both the west (Lower) and east (Upper) lake dams to meet the ODNR dam requirements and creation of additional storm water storage volume at the upper lake.

21-28 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN ADDENDUM TO THE CONTRACT WITH QCI GROUP FOR CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE STATE ROUTE 91 NORTH TURN LANE PROJECT (PID 93822). Brief Description: This resolution would authorize an increase of $79,910.21 to the original Contract with QCI Group for construction management and inspection services.

21-29 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO THE OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) FOR A PRINCIPAL FORGIVENESS LOAN FOR LEAD SERVICE LINE REPLACEMENTS AS PART OF THE NORTH OVIATT STREET WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Brief Description: This is a request to submit an application to the Ohio EPA for a principal forgiveness loan for the replacement of the lead service lines to the homes within the project area of the N. Oviatt Street Waterline Replacement Project.

21-30 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH O.R. COLAN ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION SERVICES FOR THE STATE ROUTE 91 SOUTH SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (PID 106445). Brief Description: The SR 91 South Safety Improvement Project design limits are on SR 91 (S. Main Street) from Barlow Road to the Stoney Hill Drive intersection. The project scope includes the widening of SR 91 to accommodate a center two-way left turn lane and resurfacing throughout the project length, 5-foot-wide bike lanes and sidewalks will be constructed on the east and west side of SR 91, traffic signal upgrades, storm sewer improvements, and repair to heaving shoulders.

21-31 A RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE CITY MANAGER’S DESIGNEE TO THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FOR AN ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT. Brief Description: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) awards Assistance to Firefighters grant funding for the purpose of funding critically needed resources to equip and train emergency personnel, enhance efficiencies and support community resilience. The City could receive up to $202,827.27 in grant funding for the purchase of new self-contained breathing apparatuses (SCBA’s) on behalf of the Hudson Fire Department. The city’s match is 20,282.73.

21-32 A RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER’S ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT FROM THE BURTON D. MORGAN FOUNDATION ON BEHALF OF HUDSON COMMUNITY TELEVISION. Brief Description: The Burton D. Morgan Foundation has continued to provide a production grant in the amount of $1,200.00 to help fund production of the Good Day in Hudson television series on HCTV. No match is required.

The above consent agenda items were all passed 6-0

Legislation Agenda

21-5 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR PLACEMENT OF LAND IN A NEW AGRICULTURAL USE DISTRICT FOR PURPOSES OF O.R.C. 929.02 FOR LEONORE E. COSMA, 2242 RAVENNA STREET, HUDSON, OHIO. Brief Description: Ms. Cosma has submitted the attached Application for Placement of Farmland in an Agricultural District for property located at 2242 Ravenna Street (Permanent Parcel No. 30-00514) in Hudson. Council has previously approved similar applications since 1999 at five-year intervals, but the renewal deadline for 2020 was missed, and therefore this application is considered a new request.

This was the third reading and thus actionable. It was passed 6-0


Brief Description: The proposed amendment would authorize the City Manager to enter into license agreements with property owners for the construction of driveways and patios that are within a City-owned utility easement.

This was a second reading. Action will be taken next council meeting.

21-25 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A JOB CREATION GRANT AGREEMENT WITH CLEVELAND STEEL CONTAINER CORPORATION. Brief Description: Cleveland Steel Container Corporation is requesting a 50% income tax credit for 9 years. The company will establish a headquarters for their corporate offices in Hudson, bringing 85 jobs with a three-year benchmark of $9.3M in payroll.

This was a second reading. Action will be taken next council meeting.

Questions or concerns, please let me know. -Chris

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